Debt Settlement

We will tailor a debt reduction program that fits your individual needs. With debt negotiation, the process continues until a legally binding and favorable settlement agreement has been reached. In addition to providing an alternative to bankruptcy, we help rebuild your credit and give you the tools necessary to be more fiscally responsible in the future, so you can create new wealth.

Business Consulting/ Funding

We work with many lenders, including the SBA, equity firms and private investors, to help find your funding sources. There may be funds available against inventory, assets, receivables, equipment, ect. There are many new programs being offered to help those effected by the pandemic, and other disasters. Find out which may be available to you.

Credit Workshops

R. Goldstein Consulting has 35 years experience helping clients with their credit profiles, to regain the credit score they deserve. We’ll help remove bankruptcies, charge-offs, collections, judgments, and repossessions. By utilizing our experience and DIY workshops we can help you get the credit/FICO score you need, for all of your financing.


Filing for bankruptcy involves a credit briefing, completing a qualifying means test, to determine your ability to pay, and petitioning the courts. Bankruptcy may or may not be an option depending on the means test, which analyzes factors such as income, expenses, assets and liabilities. While individuals can opt to file bankruptcy on their own, an attorney who specializes in bankruptcy filing can help you protect and preserve important assets during the process. See if bankruptcy is right for you, or should you look to alternative solutions.

Foreclosure Defense & Loan Modifications

Are you payments too high? If your income or employment is effected by recent pandemic and other disasters, there may be options for you to reduce the payments.

Are you behind in your mortgage and need relief to structure a new start?

Are you a victim of loan fraud or mistakes by the banks (Yes, they make mistakes).

We will conduct a comprehensive Mortgage Audit and Mortgage Review to identify if there are any non-compliance issues including, but not limited to, missing documents and forged or illegally signed documents. From there, we can stop foreclosures and inquire about lower payments/ interest rates.

Student Loan Relief

If you’re struggling with excessive debt and the escalating interest rates of continuing education, we can help. We offer a range of options that will reduce your student loan debt and make it more affordable. Our caring and knowledgeable advisors will work with you in determining the best solution for your specific circumstance. There are great programs available for all types of student loan borrowers. We can help you to find out your status and help you navigate all the changes in student loan programs and policies.


If you have fallen victim to any type of scam, whether it be elder fraud, identity theft, ect., we can help clear your name, identify future scams and get you back on track.

Other Bureaucratic Issues

We’re confident our skills will help you through any unjust or unfair circumstance anyone dares to put you through, this includes insurance matters, government matters, workman’s comp. & so forth.